Labrador Retriever
Baccara Fellow for Life (8/6/2024-)
Five generation pedigree:
Baccara Fellow for Life
Int. FTCH Elderwood A Masterpiece
Int.FTCH Blackthorn Hiram
NORD JCH FTCH Tasco Brimstone
FTCh Lettermore Trout
FTCh Carnochway Daniel
FTW Lettermore May
FTCh Stormwatch Spider of Tasco
FTW Gillmhor Arrow of Pocklea
FTW Tasco Yellow Belle of Stormwatch
GB & Int. FTCH Blackthorn Ascella
Int FT Ch Kelland Ross
FTCh Glenbriar Solo
Kelland Rademon Patsy
Int. FTCH Gianna of Carinthia
FTW Buttermead Crusader
Brindlebay Ant
Blackthorn Quest for Happiness
Sparkfield Topi
DKJCH Sparkfield Tobias
Muckross Flame
Michnos Sauer Alaska
Ceh-Thors Akkerbill
Oebakkens Bailey / ?bakkens Bailey
Int.FTCH Blackthorn Kallisto
FTW Garagill Nizam
FTW Olivertash Rooney
Kenmillone Gallica of Garagill
Blackthorn Diadem
FTCh Mediterian Blue
Int. FTCH Chance of Dukefield
Lady Gaga Fellow for Life
DK FTCH Lycik Bishop
DK FTCH Labdom Pochard
FTCh Lowforge Aragon of Leacaz
FTCh Greenbriar Viper of Drakeshead
Pittendreich Highlight of Lowforge
FTCh Jasmine Milly of Labdom
FTCh Millcottage Pathfinder
Ebonys Perfect Image
Lycik Sally
Greenbriar Leon
FTW Braidenvale Pioneer
Greenbriar Hebe
Hedenhampark Orchid af Lycik
Bashful Rupert
Hedenhampark Lace
Hope Fellow for Life
Eager Elan the Second Off April
Alant von der Wegwarte
Idefix vom Tennikerweidli
Come Fast Esprit
Pien the second off april
Sesam aus Lühlsbusch
Glow The second off april
Elaisa Fellow for Life
Huels' Hunters Chuck
DRC/VDH CH Suttonpark Benjamin at Rocheby
Huels' Hunters Ambrosia
Anna-Doro Fellow for Life
VDH-Ch Abax-Lasse aus dem M?hlenr?tschen
Bonny Best Mate In The Field
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