
Golden Retriever

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Street & Eliška

Five generation pedigree:

Street & Eliška
JCh.Cro. Glamour Shine Sorrento
WW'21, It, Swiss, Int, At, UK Sh Ch Olvinglay Soothsayer JW
Int Sh Ch, C.I.E. Enterprise Oligarchia
SPA Ch, Int Sh Ch, C.I.E. Vestafjell's Magic Elf
N UCH, SU(U)CH, SVCH, NV-07, NV-09 Jako's Nordic Charm
EW-15, NO(u)CH, SE(u)CH Fenwood Elles Belles NV-14, NORDv-14
PL Ch. Be-Bop-A-Lula Oligarchia
JCh.& DTS.CH. Zampanzar Blue Note
PL Ch. Vintage Oligarchia
It Ch. Xanthos Olvinglay
CAN GCH. Feli Fey Flying Dutchman JW SGWC
Int. Ch. Xanthos Mondriaan SGWC CCA
CH, VDH JCH Goldstrike Wild Cherry
UK Sh Ch, SEU(u) Ch. Xanthos Nymphadora Tonks JW
Eng.Sh.Ch. , Lux. Ch. Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell JW
Icelandic Ch. Xanthos Megiddo JW
CH.BIH. Magic Madness Play With Me Glamour Shine
HJCH, ROJCH, SBJCH, ROCH, HCH, Int SH CH, Vice EW'21 Heartbeat Famous Gold CW'17
Lawpark Spellcaster
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW
Lawpark Ruby Wax
C.I.B, C.I.E., Multi Jch.,Multi Ch., Grandch.CZ, SK Flying Heart Famous Gold
CH CZ/SK/PL/AT/MNG, JCH CZ/SK/PL Fiddle-De-Dee's Morris Traveller AT Double CH09, Club Winner (BIS), CJW
Be Dream Famous Gold National winner
HJCH Magic Madness Love Me Like You Do HJCW'16
Int Sh Ch + Dutch Ch + Lux + German VDH & Club Ch Herwildy's Michelangelo Club Winner '14, Dutch Jr CH, Luxembourg Jr CH
Roxali DaVinchi At Ritzilyn
CH Herwildy's Sugar Sugar Baby JW '05 CW '07 NJK
HJCH, ROJCH, Int SH CH Shamrock She Is A Diamond
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW
IntCh. HCH. HRCH. Shamrock Diamond Symphony
JCH.CRO. CH.SLO. New Glamour Shine Famous Gold JCW.RS.'19
Sequins Shankill
German Club Ch., German VDH Ch. Rosegrove Let It Be Me Bundesjugendsieger2012
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW
Ipcress Sir Thomas
Lovehayne Scarlet Sage For Shardanell
Rosegrove Follow Your Dream
Marjamez Matchmaker at Learmount
Golmas Gilded Rose at Rosegrove
Mathilda of the Hellacious Acres
ICh, Fr.Ch, German, VDH, Lux. Ch, Lux. JCh Inassicas Coriander
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Cheer's Way Of The World
Inassicas Sea Mayweed
Int, VDH, German, Swe, Lux, Dutch Ch. Martha of the Hellacious Acres
JCh Sansue Hi'Land Storm
German Ch. Bows of the Hellacious Acres
Kind of Magic Famous Gold
SE U(U)CH Goldfashion Diesel
SE U(U)CH Lamier's See I Told You So
INT.Ch, Belg.Ch Gatchells Man of Honour Jun.Clubwinn 2003
Knegarens Madam
Endicott Jo-Anne Says
Endicott Kilpatrick
Endicott Rose Water
C.I.B, C.I.E., Multi Jch.,Multi Ch., Grandch.CZ, SK Flying Heart Famous Gold
CH CZ/SK/PL/AT/MNG, JCH CZ/SK/PL Fiddle-De-Dee's Morris Traveller AT Double CH09, Club Winner (BIS), CJW
DKCH(U) Mulfield Lewis
Cheer's Marzipan
Be Dream Famous Gold National winner
NORW04, NORJW04 Summeramba Chopin
ICH, MCH, CH CZ&SK&PL Deborah the Dream Team

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