
Golden Retriever

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Owen x Zaya

Five generation pedigree:

Owen x Zaya
Owen Du Fort De Bertheaume
French CH Cheek to Cheek Make Me Wanna Die
ENG CH, NL CH Dutchtab van de Beerse Hoeve NJK'15, BJK'15, Hopprins 2015, Bundessieger'15
MBISS Aust Ch Larbellah Team Leader
RUBISS/BISS AUST CH. Acacian Special Event
MBISS Aust Ch Giltedge Angel Dust
Dutch CH, Winster 14, Benelux Winster 14 Smart Phone van de Beerse Hoeve
WW'13, Int/Dutch/German/Lux CH, Lux JCH. Basic Blend v.d. Beerse Hoeve German Club Ch, Bundes Sieger
Int. Sh.Ch, Dutch-,Lux-, German and VDH Champion Ringtone v.d. Beerse Hoeve Dutch Junior Ch, Bundessieger 09
Cheek to Cheek Glenscotia
Europa Jgd Sieger '11, French/Swedish Ch., CIE, CIB Cheek to Cheek Florentino
Utopia de Alaria
Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic
Cheek to Cheek Chateau d'Yquem
ICH, TRIALER Royal Commander du Pays de Boheme
Cheek to Cheek Apocalypse Now
CH TR Maélig du Fort de Bertheaume
Dual CH.(IB & CS), CH.Lux., CH TR. & CH. B&B Royal Crest Gold-N Cracklyn Fusion
Dual CH. et Trialer Royal Crest Gold-N Dream Skipper
Royal Crest Gold-N Sun Viking
Pl. Ch. Int. Ch. Endelwood Just Jasmine For Royal Crest
Int. Ch., It. Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Vanilla Sky
MultCh, ChFin, ChSw, FTCH, Tracking CH Trewater Macoy
Int Ch, Italian Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Ballistic Gza-Gza
Elite A Trialer Fidélig du Fort de Bertheaume
DUAL CH Int/French CH, CH Beau & Bon 2009, ChT F & A Guisachan Azbine
DUAL CH -CH. IB/CH B&B / CH FT Fr/An Endelwood Make my Day Trialer
Guisachan Victoria's Secrets
Lice recommandée Voallig des Bruyeres de Serviere
Dual CH. et Trialer Royal Crest Gold-N Dream Skipper
U-Man Nature des Bruyeres de Serviere
Think Twice Ultimate Chaser
Think Twice Question of Honour
OJCH OCH Golden Mountain Spring's Wily
Golden Mountain Spring's Ranger
Cherrywood Junior of Jana and Jake
Golden Mountain Spring's Flying June
OCH Golden Mountain Spring's Eternal Flame
Aust. Ch. Stanroph School Boy KCJW
OCH Fantasy Fair vom Golden Glemmtal
Maggie's Tales Overture To Think Twice
Int Dual Ch,It Dual Ch,Soc Ch,Top Retr,N Ch, WIGGLIN' JIGGLIN' CUPCAKES
It. Ch. Endelwood Just Johnny
Royal Crest Gold-n Scorpion
Colbar Winter Wishes
Eng.Sh.Ch Pacimini Simply Top Honours
Amirene Lucinda with Colbar
Think Twice Xtrafactor
Vice ICC2014 Winner, INT FT CH, IT FT CH The Road Runner
Ft Winner Kenmillix Seasonal Spirit
Clancallum Tamdhu
lowes plower blossom
Royal Crest Gold-n Last Shot
Alibren Maestro
Royal Crest Gold-N Hark the Herald Angel
Think Twice Lady Macbeth
Int Dual Ch,It Dual Ch,Soc Ch,Top Retr,N Ch, WIGGLIN' JIGGLIN' CUPCAKES
It. Ch. Endelwood Just Johnny
Royal Crest Gold-n Scorpion
Think Twice Cayenne
Multi CH Chinnordale Skydiver
Royal Crest Gold-n Last Shot

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