
Golden Retriever

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Blastem's Ahead By A Century  (12/22/2017-)

Five generation pedigree:

Blastem's Ahead By A Century
Can GCh Sterre Badlands Outlaw CDX JH WCI/Am. JH CCA
Can. BISS CH. Cheek to Cheek Steve MacQueen
IntCh & Trialer, ChFr Gunmarsh Zachary
Eng.Sh.Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Perrimay Sea Harp
Gunmarsh Sophia JW
Gunmarsh Lucas
Gunmarsh Jasmine
Cheek to Cheek Pink Panther
French.Int.Pol.CH. Trialer Cheek to Cheek Lucky Strike
Dutch/Ger./VDH/Lux./Pls. CH. Sinnhein Jacobite GG-1
Cheek to Cheek High Spirits
French.Int.Ch. Trialer Siatham Roxelana
Eng. CH. Standfast Augustus
Mulfield Gyposophila Of Siatham
HR Trowsnest Sterre Autumn Breeze MH RN CCA, Can SH WCX
Can CH Trowsnest English Gentry CD SH
UK. CH. Rayleas Caluimn
UK. SH. CH. Amirene King Eider of Davern
Deanwood Cerian of Rayleas
Can. CH. Steval Semitone
Amberland Sky-Hi
Steval Latest Edition
Can. Ch. Trowsnest Mystic Wind Chime CDX OD
Am. CH. Celestial Sirius Jake CDX JH WC OS SDHF VC CGC
Am. CH Elysian Sky Hi Dubl Exposure UDT MH ** WCX VCX DDHF OS
Prairie's Coming Comet CD MH WCX ** OD
Trowsnest On Gossamer Wings
Can CH Trowsnest Wnd B'Neath My Wings CDX SH **
Mini Manor's Boadicea
Blastem's Little Gold Piper
SR HRCH UH CH Windrows Ducks In A Row CDX SH Can/Am WCX VCI GRCC Versatility Hall of Fame
Can CH BISS Kyon's Passionat Sheaster OS
Can. CH. Sherhaven's Sheaman at Kyon Can. CD OS
Can. Bda. CH. Mjaerumhogda's Kyon Flying Surprise Can. CDX OS SDHF
Can. CH. My Darling Clementine
Can. CH. Kyon Heart's A Fire
Kyon's Jakobs Manifest Destiny
CanCH Kyon's Shinook at Night
Can CH Windrows Brakes For Drakes Can CDX WCX SH RN AmWC
Am. CH. Celestial Sirius Jake CDX JH WC OS SDHF VC CGC
Am. CH Elysian Sky Hi Dubl Exposure UDT MH ** WCX VCX DDHF OS
Prairie's Coming Comet CD MH WCX ** OD
Goldencol Trowsnest's Ontario Can CDX WCX MH OD
Can CH Trowsnest Wnd B'Neath My Wings CDX SH **
Can. OTCh Topbrass Goldencol Sadie Am. CD Can. WCX OD
Bydandacres Dallas Stephens CGN, CDX, WC
Syercroft's Tait
GMH HRCH UH Tidewaters Weekend Gladiator Can/Am CD WCX MH CCA OS
FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond's R.V. Am *** OS Can. FDHF
GMH Brimac's Lil' Red Devil Can/Am WCX MH
Syercroft Lil Dimon'N The Ruff CanWCI,CDX,JH
AFTCH MHR Wynwood's Jokers Are Wild CD MNH WCX OS Can. CDX MH WCX ***
Syercroft's I Love Lucy Can CDX WCI JH
Bydandacres Nell
Goldonoro's Boy Sunny
Goldonoro Gypsy's Last Hurrah
Goldonoro's Sunshine Girl Abra
Bydandacres Patti's Girl Kuma
Goldonoro Bob's Boy Bauer
North Bydandacres Cesca

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