
Golden Retriever

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Change history for Trialer ( Fr, Spa) MCh (PO, SPA, FR, GBZ )& JrCh Maybe Forever Perfect Imperfections Latin Winner

3/31/2019 2:28:06 PM:
Added by HeartGold
Maybe Forever Perfect Imperfectionons

3/31/2019 2:29:15 PM:
Modified by HeartGold
CallName=Jerry, Gender=M, Country=SP, BirthYear=2018, Breeder=Ignacio Gutierrez (Maybe Forever)

3/31/2019 2:29:44 PM:
Modified by HeartGold
sireID=267151, damID=576242

8/27/2019 2:05:10 PM:
Modified by Ignacio Gutiérrez
CallName=JERRY, BirthDay=28, BirthMonth=10, Owner=Ignacio Gutierrez (Maybe Forever), EyeID=Clear 16/07/2019, Website=www.maybeforever.es, PRA1Status=C, IchStatus=R, IchRegistry=A, PRA2Status=C, CountryResidence=SP

8/27/2019 2:05:54 PM:
Modified by Ignacio Gutiérrez
name=Maybe Forever Perfect Imperfections, SearchName=MAYBEFOREVERPERFECTIMPERFECTION

1/30/2020 3:59:44 PM:
Modified by Ignacio Gutiérrez
FrontTitles=JrCh, HipID=4 - 4, HipRegistry=BVA, ElbowID=0-0, ElbowRegistry=BVA

10/5/2020 3:38:41 AM:
Modified by Ignacio Gutiérrez
FrontTitles=Trialer JrCh

12/18/2021 9:43:35 AM:
Modified by Ignacio Gutiérrez
Honorifics=BIS ( puppy, junior) BISS (baby, junior, Working

12/18/2021 9:44:41 AM:
Modified by Ignacio Gutiérrez
Honorifics=BIS (puppy, junior) BISS (baby, junior, working)

2/25/2023 12:37:53 PM:
Modified by Ignacio Gutiérrez
FrontTitles="Trialer MCh (PO, SPA, GBZ )& JrCh", EndTitles="Latin Winner"

12/7/2024 3:33:21 AM:
Modified by M? Dolores Cadiz
FrontTitles="Trialer ( Fr, Spa) MCh (PO, SPA, FR, GBZ )& JrCh", AdditionalTitles="Working Spanish champion Novice "

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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