
Golden Retriever

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Change history for C.I.B, MultCH, CQ2014, CH:UA,MOL,CY,RUS,BIR,GE,BG Nuance from Gucci JChUA, MOL,MAK,RUS; JGrCh MOL

11/17/2012 2:21:23 PM:
Added by Tamara Klimova
Nuance from Gucci

11/17/2012 3:11:16 PM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova

11/17/2012 3:13:30 PM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova
EndTitles=Gr.CH: GE, BG; CH:UA, MOL, CY, RUS, BIR, GE, BG, BirthDay=09, BirthYear=2010, Registry=FCI, Owner=Klimova T. I., Website=http://mygoldstar.jimdo.com, Microchip=804098100038473

11/17/2012 3:13:55 PM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova
BirthDay=17, BirthMonth=09

11/17/2012 3:16:15 PM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova
sireID=323737, damID=318119

11/17/2012 3:17:52 PM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova
Gender=M, Country=OT, Owner=Klimova Tamara

11/17/2012 3:27:39 PM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova
CallName=Nik, Breeder=Krolivets A

11/17/2012 4:21:42 PM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova

11/17/2012 5:27:37 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
FrontTitles=Gr.CH: GE, BG; CH:UA, MOL, CY, RUS, BIR, GE, BG, EndTitles=

4/5/2013 9:07:46 AM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova

2/8/2014 9:10:56 AM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova
FrontTitles=C.I.B., CQ 2014, CH:UA,MOL,CY,RUS,BIR,GE,BG

2/8/2014 9:22:37 AM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova
Honorifics=4xBOB,3xCACIB, 1xBIG-1,1хBIG-4,1xBIS-3

3/10/2014 1:15:37 PM:
Modified by P M
FrontTitles=IntCH, MultCH, CQ2014, CH:UA,MOL,CY,RUS,BIR,GE,BG, EndTitles=JChUA, MOL,MAK,RUS

3/10/2014 1:27:41 PM:
Modified by P M

3/10/2014 1:28:43 PM:
Modified by P M

3/16/2015 5:13:13 PM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova

3/16/2015 5:16:57 PM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova
FrontTitles=C.I.B, MultCH, CQ2014, CH:UA,MOL,CY,RUS,BIR,GE,BG, EndTitles=JChUA, MOL,MAK,RUS; JGrCh MOL

5/19/2016 12:06:17 PM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova
Country=UR, HipID=, CountryResidence=UR

9/28/2018 2:18:14 PM:
Modified by Tamara Klimova
DeathDay=23, DeathMonth=9, DeathYear=2018

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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