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Change history for CH. 24KT Scottish Sass At Monogram
7/9/2021 11:46:03 AM:
Added by Judi Voss
24KT Scottish Sass at Monogram
7/9/2021 11:49:23 AM:
Modified by Judi Voss
CallName=Mac Kenzie, Gender=F, Country=US, BirthDay=30 , BirthMonth=03, BirthYear=2021, Registry=AKC, RegistrationNumber=SS26581402, Breeder=Judi Voss George Joseph, Owner=Alan and Susan Burrows Judi Voss Michele Leon, Website=www.24ktgoldenretrievers.com , PRAStatus=C, PRARegistry=EM, PRA1Status=C, PRA1Registry=EM, IchStatus=C, IchRegistry=EM, PRA2Status=C, PRA2Registry=EM, DMStatus=C, DMRegistry=EM, NCLStatus=C, NCLRegistry=EM
7/9/2021 11:50:43 AM:
Modified by Judi Voss
sireID=156256, damID=800462
3/19/2022 2:54:23 AM:
Modified by Hebber Elias
name=SCOTT BRIZUELA AGUIRREURRETA, SearchName=SCOTTBRIZUELAAGUIRREURRETA, FrontTitles=Camp.Panamericano, EndTitles=Gran Cuscatleco , CallName=SIMBA AGUIRREURRETA, Gender=M, Country=Unknown, BirthDay=23, BirthMonth=01, BirthYear=2016, RegistrationNumber=ES-P-15132, Breeder=Celina Aguirreurreta, Owner=Celina Aguirreurreta , Website=, Microchip=939000001509913, AdditionalTitles=Camp. centro Americano y Panamericano , StateResidence=Sv
3/19/2022 3:07:05 AM:
Modified by Hebber Elias
3/22/2022 10:43:16 AM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
name=24kt Scottish Sass At Monogram, SearchName=24KTSCOTTISHSASATMONOGRAM, FrontTitles=, EndTitles=, CallName=Mac Kenzie, Gender=F, Country=US, BirthDay=30, BirthMonth=3, BirthYear=2021, RegistrationNumber=SS26581402, Breeder=Judi Voss, George Joseph, Owner=Alan and Susan Burrows, Judi Voss, Michele Leon, Website=http:\\www.24ktgoldenretrievers.com, Microchip=, AdditionalTitles=, CountryResidence=US, StateResidence=
3/22/2022 10:43:29 AM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
3/22/2022 10:43:33 AM:
Locked by Lesley Albin
11/5/2023 3:50:43 PM:
Unlocked by Lesley Albin
11/5/2023 3:55:07 PM:
Modified by Judi Voss
name="24KT Scottish Sass At Monogram", FrontTitles="CH. ", CallName="Mackenzie ", Honorifics="Finished with 4 majors"
3/13/2024 9:11:39 PM:
Modified by Judi Voss
Key for gene testing results:C = ClearR = CarrierA = AffectedP = Clear by ParentageCO = Clear inferred by offspringRO = Carrier inferred by offspringRP = Carrier inferred by parentage
Key for gene testing labs:A = AntegeneAVC = Alfort Veterinary CollegeE = EVGEM = EmbarkF = OFAG = Animal GeneticsL = LaboklinO = OptigenP = Paw PrintUM = University of MinnesotaUMO = Unversity of MissouriT = OtherV = VHLVGL = UC Davis VGL