
Golden Retriever

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mojo + hestia

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

mojo + hestia
EDI Golden Fort
Elvis Golden Fort
ELTON Golden Fort
MIKE Golden Fort
MATI Golden Fort
MOBI Golden Fort
MILKA Golden Fort
MOLLY Golden Fort
MELA Golden Fort
MEGI Golden Fort
MAJA Golden Fort
MERY Golden Fort
MONI Golden Fort
MEA Golden Fort
MERCI Golden Fort
MUZA Golden Fort
JPL.CH., PL.CH., Dt.VDH.CH., Carolake MAKE BELIEVE Sieger Brandenburg 2012
Carolake Made in Heaven at Calarose
Carolake Mind Over Matter
SH .CH. Shardanell All That Jazz JW
Eng. Ch. Lovehayne Quentin JW, S.G.W.C.
Lovehayne Quinton for Dreamwel
Lovehayne Queen Bee by Gatchells
Lovehayne Quassia
Shardanell Glamour Girl
Shardanell Krista Belle Of Gellirhiw
Shardanell Magic Sensation at Standelbec
Shardanell Simply Magic
Carolake Fancy That SBN, SGWC, WGC
Carolake Flirting Around
Carolake Fetch 'N' Carry
Eng. CH. Xanthos Black Thorn JW, SGWC
Xanthos Brown Sugar
Xanthos Purple Patch
Xanthos Captain Scarlett
Xanthos Lady In Red
Xanthos Lemon Grass Among Stanroph
Stanroph Endelwood Natasha 3RCC, KCJW, ShCM, SGWC
Stanroph Endelwood Nikita at Lorgair
Eng Sh Ch Stanroph Endelwood Nicolas JW
HESTIA Golden Fort
RED JUNIOR Golden Fort
ROXI Golden Fort
RITA Golden Fort
ROZA Golden Fort
RANI Golden Fort
ROMA Golden Fort
RUDA Golden Fort
HOUSE Golden Fort
HELIOS Golden Fort
HEKTOR Golden Fort
HERMES Golden Fort
HEBE Golden Fort
HERA Golden Fort
HALIA Golden Fort
HEMERA Golden Fort
CH PL Ambergold GK Daniel Defoe
Rus.Ch, J.Ch. Ambergold GK Dalai Lama
Rus,Bel.,Azerbaijan, Georgia Ch., Trialer Ambergold GK Deep Delight
Ambergold GK Deni Didro
Ambergold GK Duty Free
Rus.,Lit.Ch. Ambergold GK Deep Purple
Inter.,Rus.,Bel.Grand.,Jun.,Club Ch., Trialer Ambergold GK Daydream
Ger.VDH Ch., German Ch. mit Arbeitsprufung Amigoh
Ackira (Dunsaron Indianna x Xanadu of Lyndiewood)
IntCh,GrChRus,ChRus,Ua,Ger,Lit,Bal,RKF,VDH,NRC Onore D'Alon Gerda FT-DUCK
Rus.Ch.,Ft.Duck,Bl.Tr Onore D'Alon Gautier
Onore D'Alon Greta
Onore D'Alon Gera
Reja Musterrola
Roster Musterrola
INT.CH.,CH.PL./RUS/LV/LT/UA,Club Winner `06 Funt Gordius
Krezus Gordius
Intencja Jol
Jantis Intencja FCI
Intencja (FCI) JANNTIS

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