
Golden Retriever

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Aust Ch Queenlee Cassius CDX, QC, CM

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Aust Ch Queenlee Cassius CDX, QC, CM
Queenlee Cochise CDX
Aust Ch Queenlee Crowning Gem
Queenlee Angel
Aust Ch Queenlee Coronet CDX
Aust Ch Alinig Golden Luke
alinig golden orlando
Australian Ch Kyvalley Kyva
Aust Ch Kyvalley Golden Pixie
Kyvalley True
Aust Ch Kyvalley Fairsky
Benedict Of Golconda
Danny Boy of Golconda
Aust Ch Bonspiel Gold Glint
Bonnie Annabelle
Aust Ch Edmay Day Dawn
Aust Ch Bonspiel Rajah
Aust Ch Bonspiel Joy
Aust CH Bonspiel Bambi
Bonspiel Pauline
AUS Ch Edmay Donna
Bonspiel Crustie
Malann Lassie
Aust Ch Malann Marksman
Aust Ch Kyvalley Golden Pixie
Australian Ch Kyvalley Kyva
Kyvalley True
Aust Ch Kyvalley Fairsky
Aust. CH. Palkorra Queen Aust. CDX
Palkorra Sunny Sal
Palkorra Second Chris
Aust. CH. Golden Nicholas of Yeo Aust. CD
Am. CH. Showman Of Yeo
Madonna of Yeo
Eng. CH. Camrose Nicolas of Westley
South African Champion Camrose Nelson
Yana of Yeo
Zia Nichola Of Sparkmoor
Aust. CH. Kapricornian Dhailene Aust. CDX
Kapricornian Sandy
Kapricornian Vanessa
Gold Flash Of Chatswood
Sovereign Gold of Chatswood
Kyvalley Yasmin
Aust. CH Kyvalley Sweetcorn Aust. CDX
Kyvalley Woodbine
Aust Ch Kyvalley Bobbie

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