Ch Kasador Suerte Ellis Star  (6/5/2004-7/22/2014)

Call name:
Country of origin:Russia
Registration:FCI RKF 1597583
Breeder:E. Rachenkova
PRA status:Clear


Ch Kasador Suerte Ellis Star
CH INT Tapeatom Goodwill
Tapeatom Gusto
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
Tapeatom Lucy Locket
Tapeatom Libertine
C.C.W. Lapema Leo of Sandylands
Tapeatom Gilly With A G JDC
CH RUS Goodquite's Keen-Set for Love
ChFin Mallorn's Shenandigan
Rosanan Whisky Sour
Fin UCH Mallorn's Opium
MultiCh, IntCh, ChRus, Bye, Est, Fin, Ua Strongline's Keep Smiling
ChFin Upwards Alfonso
FI UCH INT UCH Strongline's Ever Known