valentine ville des foureaux

Call name:
Country of origin:Unknown


valentine ville des foureaux
Olympikus Inti
BISS ArGrCh ArCh UruCh LatCh IntCh Silver Sound's Kingfisher of Milburn
BIS BISS Am Arg CH Gorca's Merlin OS SDHF
Arg Gr CH/Lat Gr CH. Silver Sound's Sunbeam's Crystal Rainbow
Olympikus Gitana
BISS ArGrCh ArCh UruCh LatCh IntCh Silver Sound's Kingfisher of Milburn
ArgCh Mia de la Siberia Blanca
English Rose Goldsherlock
WW'07, BIS BISS Arg./Arg.Gr./Mex. CH. Silver Sound's King of the Ring
BIS BISS Am Arg CH Gorca's Merlin OS SDHF
Arg Gr CH/Lat Gr CH. Silver Sound's Sunbeam's Crystal Rainbow
Arg Ch Golden Trip Boston Cream Pie
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder
Gr.Ch.Int.Br Nautilus Golden Trip