Brisk Ylvi a nordic Summoner's Tale  (4/28/2010-)

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Call name:"Ylvi"
Country of origin:Germany
Registration:FCI DRC-G 1028149
Breeder:Patricia Grewing- Krause
Owner:Thomas Natterer
Hip clearance:A2/B1
Elbow clearance:2/2
PRA status:Clear


Brisk Ylvi a nordic Summoner's Tale
SJCH NJCH LP1 Stjärnglimtens Epson
TJH LPI Rockdove's Toffy Gentleman
SJCH NJCH Roghöjdens Master-Lad
SJCH NJCH Duvkullans Taransay
LPI LPII Höghedens Kayenne
TJH LP Casags Feodor
Anasta-Sia (S19491/90)
Golden Worker Angel's Maeve
DK.BR.CH Clockburn Clooneen
F.T.W Greenfoot Rum
F.T.W Clockburn Commotion
Cool Marker's Angel
Happymover Balszac
O'Myra of Graceful Delight