Ringokris Raymur Nardo

Call name:"Nardo"
Country of origin:Estonia
Breeder:Heili Einasto & Inga Sild, Ringokris
Hip clearance:B/C
Elbow clearance:0/0


Ringokris Raymur Nardo
Enthusiastic Swimmers Ray of Light
Rayleas Mister Copper
Eng. Ch. Lovehayne Quentin JW, S.G.W.C.
Rayleas Treacle Tart
Enthusiastic Swimmers Kiwi Kikidee
IntCh & Trialer, ChFr Gunmarsh Zachary
VDH CH.,Dt.CH.mit Arbprfg.,Clubsieger m.Arbprfg. Enthusiastic Swimmers Eileen Esprit
Ringokris Kernow Tinuviel
Sirocco de la Charola
V-WW'01, SPA/PT CH The Cream of Franco's Valley
Sena del Valle Negro
Est V Ch, Est, Lv, Ltu, Balt JCh, Est JWin-09 Tramin Rhyanna
Est Vet Ch Trebell Ticket To Ride
Can CH, ChUa, ChMol, ChBul, ChRom TRAMIN VANILLA ICE CREAM All-ukrainian Winner'07