
Golden Retriever

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CanCH Joyso Sonyc Here We Go Lucy Lu  (3/30/2009-9/16/2022)

Five generation pedigree:

CanCH Joyso Sonyc Here We Go Lucy Lu
Can Ch. Fantango Johnny Walker [OVC 0037871]
Avonbreeze McLeod (AI) [ 1:2]
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien [ BVA Hip Score 4:3]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
Eng. SH. Ch. Styal Shelley of Maundale [ BVA Hip Score 1:13]
Rossbourne Party Piece of Sansue [ BVA Hip Score 1:2]
Kerrien Calypso of Paudell [ BVA Hip Score 9:8]
Eng. Ch. Oystergold Pandorina of Vinecroft JW [ BVA Hip Score 8:9]
Eng. CH. Okus Jallina of Kerrien JW [ BVA Hip Score 5:6]
BISS Aust Ch Giltedge Charlotte [ 11:10]
Aust. Ch. Stanroph School Boy KCJW [BVA 4:5]
Eng. CH. Stanroph Sailor Boy KCJW [BVA Hip Score 7:5]
Stanroph Shere Nectar Of Garvin [Unknown BVA Hip Score 4:4]
MBISS Aust Ch Fantango In Poppy Fields [ 10:7]
Tasvane Indiana [ 6:3]
BISS Aust Ch Fantango Field Of Dreams
Aust. CH. Goldtreve Camrose Tango [ 2:2]
Aust. CH. Standfast Dream Ticket From Kerrien [ BVA Hip Score 6:4]
Eng. SH. CH. Crowood Butch Cassidy [BVA BVA Hip Score 8:10]
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien [ BVA Hip Score 4:3]
Crowood Antonia
Darrochonna Tzarini of Standfast [ BVA Hip Score 5:3]
Eng. CH. Standfast Augustus [ BVA Hip Score 11:10]
Standfast Sylva Lining of Darrochonna [ BVA Hip Score 16:10]
Australian Grand Champion Goldtreve Camrose Tess (A.I.) [ 9:11]
Eng. CH. Camrose Cabus Christopher [ BVA Hip Score 11:7]
Eng. CH. Camrose Tallyrand of Anbria
Cabus Boltby Charmer
Aust Ch Montego Maple Syrup [ 3/5]
Goldtreve Gamekeeper [BVA 5/6]
Montego Mary Poppins [ 3:3]
Absolut Sonyc Double Dutch [OFA GR-91544E31F-PI]
Am Ch Sonyc's Allegro Appassionato CD WC VC CGC OS [OFA GR-56692E25M-T]
Am./Can. CH. Topbrass Dressed To Kill Am./Can. CDX [OFA GR-29978G24M]
Am. CH. Libra Malagold Coriander OS SDHF [OFA GR-14095 30M]
Am. CH. Malagold Summer Chant OS SDHF [OFA GR-7642 27M]
Am. CH Libra Lady Carioca CD OD [OFA GR-6271 24F]
Topbrass Crazy Cricket Slade OD [OFA GR-18721]
Am./Can. CH. Kachina Twenty Karat OS SDHF [OFA GR-11372F ]
CH Topbrass Dazzlin' Daisy Slade OD [OFA GR-8208-E32F]
Butterblac's Ivy League Sonyc CDX,JH,WC, Can CD WC [OFA GR-42732G26F-T]
Can. CH Butterblac Beardsanbrow Beacon Am./Can. CD OS [OFA GR-11982]
Am./Can. CH Cal-Vo Starfarm Gambler Am. UD [OFA GR-4977]
Butterblac's Solar Halo GRCA & GRCC OD [OFA GR-9247G]
Can Ch Butterblac's Rev'em Up Can CD OD Am. OD [OFA GR-23485G24F]
River Run Trinity Sunrise CD [OFA GR-16742G]
Can Ch Butterblac's Dancing Star Can CD OD [OFA GR-13044]
Absolut X-Ceeds The Speed RE CDX MX AXJ CCA TDI [OFA GR-71761E24F-PI]
Am CH Brae Lea King Of The Road OS [OFA GR-42560G24M]
Am. CH. Brae Lea's Prime Rate [OFA GR-24866G27M]
Am. CH. Libra Malagold Coriander OS SDHF [OFA GR-14095 30M]
Brae Lea's Melody [OFA GR-17341 24F]
Bon Vue Brae Lea Alana CDX [OFA GR-34031G26F]
Am. CH. Classic Brae Lea Headliner [OFA GR-23039F24M]
Am. CH. Hunts Tasha Of Bon Vue [OFA GR-22016G29F-T]
Endeavor's Sweet Tsunami NA OAJ MJP TDI FFX-AP OD [OFA GR-60619G24F-T]
Am. CH. Tahnee Tupelo Xmas Cordial OS [OFA GR-42393E24M-T]
Ch. Carlin's Holiday A Xmas Carol OS [OFA GR-37748G26M-T]
Ch. Tupelo Tahnee Tuff Cookie [OFA GR-35616G24F]
Am. Ch. Tahnee's Sweet Endeavor OD [OFA GR-47050G25F]
BIS Am CH Twin-Beau-D's Hi Speed Chase OS SDHF [OFA GR-28034G24M]
Ch. Jayba's Tahnee Kahlua N Cream OD [OFA GR-24332G24F]

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